Congrats to Dr. Niklas Boess in our group (recent PhD graduate) on his beautiful Cell Reports paper on CD97, an adhesion GPCR, in GBM! Great mechanistic insights and a terrific translational aspect. Niklas showed that: 1) CD97 is an adhesion GPCR that is de novo expressed in GBM compared to healthy brain; 2) CD97 promotes tumorigenesis and glycolytic metabolism in GBM via MAPK signaling; 3) Phosphorylation of the C terminus of CD97 leads to β-arrestin recruitment; and 4) GBM cells can be selectively killed using a CD97-targeting antibody-drug conjugate.
This work was based on a great collaboration with our NYU colleagues Shohei Koide and Chris Park. Many thanks to the Aifantis and Neel groups for reagents, the core facilities at NYU, and our patients.